Why Sign? どうして手話(サイン)なの?
There are so many good reasons to teach a child sign language. Here are just a few:
☆ Babies can sign before they can talk. A signing baby is able to communicate his/her needs without tears and tantrums. 赤ちゃんは話せるようになる前にサインを使うことができます。サインを使う赤ちゃんは、泣いたりわめいたりすることなく、自分のニーズを伝えることができます。
☆ Signing is very helpful when trying to understand a toddler's unclear pronunciation of spoken words. サインを使うことは、小さい子どもが話すはっきりしない発音のことばを理解するのにとても助けになります。
☆ When learning English as a second language using signs can make it easier to remember new words and their meaning. 英語を学ぶときにサインをいっしょに使うと、新しい単語やその意味が覚えやすくなります。
☆ Sign language is a real language used by many people. The more languages you know, the more people you can talk with! 手話(サイン・ランゲージ)は多くの人に使われている言語(ランゲージ)です。より多くの言語を知れば知るほど、より多くの人たちと話せるようになるでしょう!
☆ Babies can sign before they can talk. A signing baby is able to communicate his/her needs without tears and tantrums. 赤ちゃんは話せるようになる前にサインを使うことができます。サインを使う赤ちゃんは、泣いたりわめいたりすることなく、自分のニーズを伝えることができます。
☆ Signing is very helpful when trying to understand a toddler's unclear pronunciation of spoken words. サインを使うことは、小さい子どもが話すはっきりしない発音のことばを理解するのにとても助けになります。
☆ When learning English as a second language using signs can make it easier to remember new words and their meaning. 英語を学ぶときにサインをいっしょに使うと、新しい単語やその意味が覚えやすくなります。
☆ Sign language is a real language used by many people. The more languages you know, the more people you can talk with! 手話(サイン・ランゲージ)は多くの人に使われている言語(ランゲージ)です。より多くの言語を知れば知るほど、より多くの人たちと話せるようになるでしょう!
About Baby Signing Time
Baby Signing Time is a captivating and entertaining series produced by Two Little Hands Productions. Baby Signing Time features Emmy-nominated host, Rachel Coleman and introduces ASL signs to infants, toddlers and preschool children of all abilities. Two Little Hands Productions also produces the popular Signing Time series, now showing on public television.
ベビー・サイニング・タイムは、Two Little Hands Productions(二つの小さな手 プロダクション)によって制作された、魅力的で楽しいシリーズです。ベビー・サイニング・タイムは、エミー賞にノミネートされたレイチェル・コールマンを司会者として採用し、すべての乳幼児にASLの手話を紹介しています。Two Little Hands Productions(二つの小さな手 プロダクション)はまた、現在アメリカのテレビで放映されている人気のサイニング・タイム・シリーズも提供しています。
運動感覚的に学ぶ人は、新しい言葉を学ぶときに、身体を動かすことによって多くを得ることができます。聴覚的に学ぶ人は、説明や歌を覚えることになるでしょう。サイン・ランゲージ(手話)は、視覚的に学ぶ人ー彼らは言葉や文脈を目にすることができるのでーには最適です。 |
The multisensory approach of Signing Time makes it great for learners of all ages and abilities. The combination of music, explanations and examples makes it easy to remember the signs as they are learned.
A Kinesthetic Learner can benefit from the physical movement while learning new words. An Auditory Learner will remember the explanations and songs. Sign language is great for Visual Learners as they are able to see the words and context. |
Baby Signing Hits Mainstream
Here is a translation of a Signing Time blog post.これは サイニング・タイムのブログから翻訳したた物です。
SALT LAKE CITY, UT – November 18, 2010 – When the concept of using sign language with hearing babies was first introduced to the American public, critics dismissed it as a “parlor trick.” Since that time, infant signing has become an accepted parenting practice and has been integrated into early childhood education programs. In the recently-released second edition of “Heading Home with your Newborn: From Birth to Reality,” published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, authors Laura Jana, MD, FAAP and Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP comment on this phenomenon:
ユタ州ソルトレークシティー―2010年11月18日―耳が聴こえる赤ちゃんと手話を使うという概念がアメリカ社会に初めて紹介されたとき、評論家たちはそれを"パーラートリック(簡単な手品のようなもの)"だとして退けました。その後、乳児の手話は子育ての実践において認められ、幼児教育プログラムに取り入れられてきています。最近リリースされた “Heading Home with your Newborn: From Birth to Reality (新生児と家に帰る:出産から現実まで)”〔第2版、米国小児科学会発行〕の中で、その著者ローラ・ジャナ医師(FAAP)とジェニファー・シュ医師(FAAP)は、この現象について次のようにコメントしています。
“Infant sign language really does deliver on its promise of improved communication…It’s easy to see why so many parents swear by it, and why childcare centers include it in their infant and toddler classrooms, and why it has become so commonplace as an activity of daily learning.” pp. 173-174
The popularity of baby sign language is no surprise. Parents who sign with their babies before they learn to talk see the immediate benefit: reduced frustration. Signing helps them know what their babies want, allowing them to respond to their needs quickly. It cuts down on the guesswork that is common to parenting a preverbal infant.
“Their hands give them a clear and powerful ‘voice’ – quite a contrast to the whining and pointing traditionally associated with toddlerhood,” said Rachel Coleman, co-creator and host of the popular series Baby Signing Time. “The truth is, that using ASL signs with hearing babies is revolutionizing early learning and parenting in America.”
「赤ちゃんの手は、彼らにとって明確で力強い“声”になります。―これは、 ぐずぐずしながら指さすという、伝統的に幼児期に関連づけられている様子とは実に対照的です。」と、ベビー・サイニング・タイム人気シリーズの共同制作者であり司会者のレイチェル・コールマンは述べています。「実際のところ、耳が聴こえる赤ちゃんにASL(アメリカ手話)を使うことは、アメリカにおいて、乳幼児の学習と育児に大きな変革をもたらしているのです。」
Early childhood educators have been quick to incorporate signing because it can reduce incidents of biting and other aggressive behaviors. In addition, when signs and words are used together in daily learning activities, teachers have a powerful tool for building vocabulary and teaching early reading skills. Signing allows young children to become physically engaged when learning a word, listening to a story or practicing the alphabet. In recent years, classes on baby signing have become standard fare at professional conferences for early childhood educators, both at the national and local levels.
SALT LAKE CITY, UT – November 18, 2010 – When the concept of using sign language with hearing babies was first introduced to the American public, critics dismissed it as a “parlor trick.” Since that time, infant signing has become an accepted parenting practice and has been integrated into early childhood education programs. In the recently-released second edition of “Heading Home with your Newborn: From Birth to Reality,” published by the American Academy of Pediatrics, authors Laura Jana, MD, FAAP and Jennifer Shu, MD, FAAP comment on this phenomenon:
ユタ州ソルトレークシティー―2010年11月18日―耳が聴こえる赤ちゃんと手話を使うという概念がアメリカ社会に初めて紹介されたとき、評論家たちはそれを"パーラートリック(簡単な手品のようなもの)"だとして退けました。その後、乳児の手話は子育ての実践において認められ、幼児教育プログラムに取り入れられてきています。最近リリースされた “Heading Home with your Newborn: From Birth to Reality (新生児と家に帰る:出産から現実まで)”〔第2版、米国小児科学会発行〕の中で、その著者ローラ・ジャナ医師(FAAP)とジェニファー・シュ医師(FAAP)は、この現象について次のようにコメントしています。
“Infant sign language really does deliver on its promise of improved communication…It’s easy to see why so many parents swear by it, and why childcare centers include it in their infant and toddler classrooms, and why it has become so commonplace as an activity of daily learning.” pp. 173-174
The popularity of baby sign language is no surprise. Parents who sign with their babies before they learn to talk see the immediate benefit: reduced frustration. Signing helps them know what their babies want, allowing them to respond to their needs quickly. It cuts down on the guesswork that is common to parenting a preverbal infant.
“Their hands give them a clear and powerful ‘voice’ – quite a contrast to the whining and pointing traditionally associated with toddlerhood,” said Rachel Coleman, co-creator and host of the popular series Baby Signing Time. “The truth is, that using ASL signs with hearing babies is revolutionizing early learning and parenting in America.”
「赤ちゃんの手は、彼らにとって明確で力強い“声”になります。―これは、 ぐずぐずしながら指さすという、伝統的に幼児期に関連づけられている様子とは実に対照的です。」と、ベビー・サイニング・タイム人気シリーズの共同制作者であり司会者のレイチェル・コールマンは述べています。「実際のところ、耳が聴こえる赤ちゃんにASL(アメリカ手話)を使うことは、アメリカにおいて、乳幼児の学習と育児に大きな変革をもたらしているのです。」
Early childhood educators have been quick to incorporate signing because it can reduce incidents of biting and other aggressive behaviors. In addition, when signs and words are used together in daily learning activities, teachers have a powerful tool for building vocabulary and teaching early reading skills. Signing allows young children to become physically engaged when learning a word, listening to a story or practicing the alphabet. In recent years, classes on baby signing have become standard fare at professional conferences for early childhood educators, both at the national and local levels.