Upcoming Seminars
家でできるモンテッソーリ Montessori in the Home

見た目のルールや教具ばかりが注目されがちで、その本来の意味がなかなか伝わりづらいモンテッソーリ教育、その「はじめの一歩」を踏み出すためのアイデアがたくさんあります!自分一人で勉強するには少しハードルの高いモンテッソーリ教育の「基本のキホン」を皆様に分かりやすくお伝えするセミナーシリーズを開催します♬ 家庭でできるアイデアもたくさんシェアしたいと思います。
This seminar series is an overview of Maria Montessori's approach to activities and setting up the home for success.
For example, what are practical life activities? What kinds of things ca kids do?
What can be expected of children at their current age?
Children enjoy using the same things adults use and do the same work that they do. Learning how to use a broom, sponge, brush, etc. helps them to become more independent and to feel better about themselves. Each session will focus on a specific topic, taking a look at our modern lifestyle in Japan to see how we can use Montessori ideas to help our children grow.
杉並区西荻窪 In Suginami-ku, Nishi-Ogikubo @Hana House
For seminars at Hana House in Suginami, please look here. 杉並区西荻窪にあるハナハウスでのセミナーはこちら。
足立区竹ノ塚で In Adachi-ku, Takenotsuka
講 師:江本ハイディー(英語 & 日本語)Heidi Emoto - English & Japanese
参加費 Tuition:
会 場:竹の塚ルーテル教会の教室 Classroom at Takenotsuka Lutheran Church
詳しいこととお申し込みは → heidi @ signingtimeacademy.com ← Register here!
Potty Time Workshop

Potty Timeはどんなトイレトレーニングのやり方を強化することができます!
Potty Timeはどんなトイレトレーニングのやり方を強化することができます!
Creating an English Environment at Home

⭐︎ Hints and Ideas for creating an English Environment at home
⭐︎ Ways to follow through with what is learned in a weekly class
⭐︎Recommended Resources
⭐︎ 英語の学びをサポートする、家庭での英語環境づくりのヒント・アイディア
⭐︎ 週一回のクラスでの学びを家庭でどんなふうにフォローしていくか
⭐︎ そのためのオススメのリソース(教材)
⭐︎ Hints and Ideas for creating an English Environment at home
⭐︎ Ways to follow through with what is learned in a weekly class
⭐︎Recommended Resources
⭐︎ 英語の学びをサポートする、家庭での英語環境づくりのヒント・アイディア
⭐︎ 週一回のクラスでの学びを家庭でどんなふうにフォローしていくか
⭐︎ そのためのオススメのリソース(教材)
Choosing Schools in Japan

There are no current plans for this seminar to hold this seminar in a place that is open to the public. If you are interested in hosting a session please contact Heidi at heidi @ signingtimeacademy.com
There are no current plans for this seminar to hold this seminar in a place that is open to the public. If you are interested in hosting a session please contact Heidi at heidi @ signingtimeacademy.com
Introduction to Signing with Hearing Children

There are no current plans for this seminar to hold this seminar in a place that is open to the public. If you are interested in hosting a session please contact Heidi at heidi @ signingtimeacademy.com